eazyBI for Confluence–More than Page Analytics
eazyBI Reports and Charts for Confluence app was relaunched in October 2019. Since then besides eazyBI for Jira report publishing on Confluence pages, you can analyze Confluence data–page updates and views, search queries, attachment size, task completion, and more.
Deep Dive Into Page View Analysis
Page view analysis is one of the most frequently used metrics in content review. You can analyze the Confluence page views by year, month, day, hour, or create a heat map to visualize the content consumption by an hour of a day. Create a rank of top viewed pages, add the average, min, max values or draw a trendline to see your page popularity over time.
Content Creation Insights
Who are the most active content creators? When was the content created? There are many interesting insights to learn from content creation habits. When the content is created and is it related to any other processes happening in the company?
As you can see in the example from the eazyBI, we update our documentation site content right before the new product version releases. However, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are our favorite days for content updates.
What Are Your Readers Searching For?
How to decide which content to publish? What the users would like to see on your site? What are the dynamics of searches over time?
Search query analysis indicates the topics your readers are interested in. By analyzing the list of top search queries together with the returned results you can easily see if you have an answer to their questions, or there is room for improvement.
Is Your Content Up-To-Date?
How to make sure that readers see only actual content? How to manage your content effectively? You might not be able to keep an eye on all your content regularly. With eazyBI, you can easily find out when you have updated the most visited pages. Similarly, you can look at older, but still frequently visited pages. This way you can keep an eye on the content that your customers read and keep it up-to-date.
Confluence Task Analysis
Wondering what is the task completion status from your previous team meeting? How many open tasks are waiting for your input?
At eazyBI, we usually assign tasks in Confluence during our team meetings. With a couple of clicks, we can review the completion status of those tasks. You can also sort out all pending tasks with due dates and task status by the attendee to have an overview of all of them in one place.
How To Share The Reports?
eazyBI is built for sharing. Create reports and dashboards and use eazyBI macros to publish them on your Confluence pages for everyone to see. Publish your reports on any website using the iframe and public access token. Subscribe to receive a collection of reports as a PDF document in your email. If you also use eazyBI for Jira on the same domain as Confluence (for Cloud) or have a Jira application link in Confluence (for Server), you can publish all your eazyBI for Jira reports and dashboards on Confluence pages using macros. Learn more about report publishing on our documentation site.
Beyond Confluence Data Analysis
eazyBI for Confluence is a business intelligence tool and you may use it to analyze data from other data sources and files as well. You can upload data from Excel and CSV files to eazyBI and then create reports, charts, and dashboards from these data. You can replace also successfully imported source files. If you regularly perform full export of your data from some source system then you can always use the same source file name and replace the previous version with the new one and replace all imported data with new. Read more about additional source file import in eazyBI.
As of the end of July 2021, we have reduced the eazyBI Reports and Charts for Confluence Cloud prices for bigger teams by up to 50% (based on price per user). Read more about eazyBI for Confluence pricing.
Find Out More About eazyBI for Confluence:
- Learn more about eazyBI for Confluence on the product page
- View more report examples on our demo account
- Watch eazyBI for Confluence demo and presentation
- Learn more on how to visualize your data using built-in conditional formatting options
- See all the measures and dimensions for import in eazyBI for Confluence
- eazyBI for Confluence Documentation