eazyBI Four-Legged Co-workers: How to Choose Your Ideal Dog
Working in a remote company (like eazyBI) is excellent! I do not need to spend morning hours in traffic; instead, I get to give extra hugs to my pets. Pets are great entertainers who can help to reduce stress, relax the mind and increase productivity. Also, they can be very patient listeners and keep good company, so you never feel lonely at home. In eazyBI, we call our pets our 'four-legged co-workers.' Sometimes, they participate in our team's virtual calls and amuse other colleagues.
In eazyBI, we like to import not-job-related information into our eazyBI app to analyze data just for fun. And yes, if you are still wondering, we have gathered information about our pets.
Meet eazyBI Four-Legged Co-workers
Let's introduce you to our four-legged back office!
We have noticed our colleagues' cats and dogs freely participating in our team calls. But when the data was gathered, we were surprised as it turned out there are also two guinea pigs in the back office. And we have not only fluffy co-workers but also one fish and one edgy hedgehog. Isn't she cute?
We are a company of 26 employees, with 26 pet co-workers – the same number as eazyBI human employees.
More than half of our pets are cats. From the data, you could assume that eazyBI is more of a cat-lover company, but no, we like dogs too. We have seven dogs, and eazyBI CEO Raimonds has two of them – Beta (yes, like a beta version for apps) and Elsa (The Falling Star).
A surprise was discovered when we checked our pet's age. The oldest cat 'Murcis' was born approximately in 1997, and he was inherited from the granny. He is 25 years old! The cat owner is joking about passing the cat to his children.
During the last two years, we have had nine new pet co-workers. “Pandemic?” you might ask. But I say we are animal lovers! And also some new humans joined bringing their four-legged colleagues with them.
We can look at names when we look at more detailed information about eazyBI pets.
An adorable pair of guinea pigs have names like my favorite cocktail – 'Gin & Tonic' (Džins & Toniks). And there are two Storms (Vētra) in the company. Only they are very opposite – one is a friendly black dog, and the second is a do-not-touch-me white cat with a judgemental look.
How to Choose Your Ideal Dog?
As The Little Prince (by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) said:
You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.
So it is a serious decision to have a four-legged co-worker. And if you would like to have one, we have something to help you make a responsible and conscious decision.
When it comes to dogs, there are so many breeds to choose from. Each dog breed has different characteristics – size, friendliness, intelligence, etc. And wouldn't it be easier to select various possible dog features that are important to you and see the best match?
This chart created by Eric Rowell inspired us. He also has shared the open-source data of his chart. To add a little bit more functionality to the original chart, we transferred it to the eazyBI app. So we imported the data and developed a Choose Your Ideal Dog Report to help you find your best-matching dog breed. You can filter the breeds by the features you find important.
You can see a picture of the dog breed and read more about it if you select a name and option <Go to source>, which will lead to a related Wikipedia page (if there is any).
Another option to pick the best matching breed is to use this report. Please open it and drag and drop the features in the table header based on your preference. The Ranking is calculated by summing up the first five features in the table so place your top 5 features in the beginning. The report is ordered by this rank and is displaying the top 10 values.
While playing around with this data, an interesting observation was made. If you check dog size and friendliness, then there seems to be a correlation that bigger dogs are friendlier. Though we all know that correlation does not represent all real-life cases.
Create Reports Based on Your Data
If you are inspired to create your own reports based on your four-legged colleague's data, favorite cocktails, or other data, install the eazyBI app and upload your data source, create reports and share them with your team or us.
In my use case, I used Google Sheets to gather information as it allows everyone in the team to update the data source easily when a new co-worker joins. After the information was gathered I added Google Sheets as a source to import data into eazyBI.
eazyBI allows importing data from various data sources: Jira, Confluence, Monday, Google Sheets, REST API (this I used to import data about dog breeds), CSV files, and other data sources as well. While there are native integrations where eazyBI understands the data model of the application and creates the cube with its relations automatically, eazyBI also allows creating your own data model by mapping data columns to eazyBI data cube.
Have you used eazyBI in ingenious ways to analyze data? Share your story with the eazyBI community.